The best part of geocaching is discovering what lies beyond.


I like to go out exploring and learning about my surroundings. Searching for that little known place just off the beaten path. My main focus is trying to discover unique geological features, flora and fauna and areas of historical significance.  

Why geocaching? Because geocaches are almost everywhere now. Igrew up hiking and wandering before geocaching.   You looked at a topo map and headed out into the unknown. If you had a GPS along, you marked a unique area with a waypoint and there it sat all alone on your GPS. Geocaches give you a destination, a record of where you have been and a platform on which to share your adventure. 

When out exploring you might find a babbling brook, nice little meadow or a lost waterfall. When I find these special little places I like to share the area by hiding a geocache. Now you to can make it into your own adventure.  




All the fun stuff. Photo galleries, videos, articles and detailed information about places to explore and geocache. 

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I enjoy hosting Geocaching/ Hiking Events. Getting together in a group to explore an area and bantering along the way is a very enjoyable way to spend the day.

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