This year we are going to Five Man Cave.
Were are going to meet at the end of Taylor Road for a 1 hour CITO / Meet and Greet Event.
Event time will start at 10:00 and end at 11:00 am leaving plenty of time after the cleaning to get some geocaching in after the event. Location is at the end of Taylor Road off of Riechel Road. This event will be a great way for everyone to get together again after a long cold caching season. There are many options available for geocaching in the Blue Hills. There is the Blue Hills Trail with 386 geocaches. The Devils Kettle. Grundy Canyon. Rock Creek Felsenmeer. Harris Felsenmeer. Skink Mountain Felsenmeer and several un-named water falls in the area.
As with past years the CITO Event does go on throughout the day as we hike but that is not "Officially an Event". It is just geocachers seeing great sites, having a great time and making the area a little better then we found it. Bring a pack lunch if you like because there are very few places to get a bite to eat other than some wild spring onions. Once we get to the the Five Man Cave area we will have lunch and check out the area. There are a few more caves and neat features in the immediate area around Five Man Cave I would like us to explore. The whole outcrop is roughly 300 feet long but there are a lot of neat areas to check out.
Total hike will be around 2 miles, in and out. Very little bushwhacking except the last little bit to get to the cave. Will be the easiest hike at one of these event so far.
If that turns out to be quick an optional walk into the Lost Waterfall will ensue. You can find the event page at Full details about the cache at . There is also a video about the geocache and area at