Ahhhh. What a beautiful little hidden gem in an already fascinating area. If, you know the right place to look. This is the location of my very first hide.
Bad Decisions Make Good Logs.
The following is a tale of cheer and woe. A good cautionary tale to those of us that are just a little too determined sometimes.
Another concern was that if I couldn't make it out they would probably have to call 911 anyway. Who on their own is physically going to be able get me out of here by themselves. I would end up being one of those people you hear about on TV that you shake your head at and say "what an idiot". With my luck, anyway; they would probably have to field dress me like a deer to get me out. I guess that would be one way to lose a couple extra pounds.
An undercover agent was placed in his cell to see if he could gather more information. The agent befriended the man and was told about a deep cave located on the north side of the Weirgor Trout Stream. East of Spring Creek and south of the Seerly Camp Trail.
I went as far as I dared into the cave. I didn't want to run into a skunk or a bear when the only way out is through me. I did fight off 2 velociraptors, 1 facehugger, and 3 Aliens inside but a hearing a scurrying noise was the last straw. There are several more caves in the area and you have to be very careful not to fall in some areas.
The weather was perfect for a nice 5 mile jaunt through Gundy's Canyon. Along the way we saw Little Falls Slip and Slide, Cascading Waterfall, Gundy's Canyon and Gundy's Felsenmeer. I enjoyed everyone's company along the way and special thanks to James for bringing up the rear for me.
Normally it is about a 4 mile hike but when you walk around to check things out and take pictures it is surprising how it adds an extra mile. See you on the trail and have fun.
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