Blue Hills

Five Man Cave - Blue Hills - Rusk County

Five Man Cave - Blue Hills - Rusk County

I went as far as I dared into the cave. I didn't want to run into a skunk or a bear when the only way out is through me. I did fight off 2 velociraptors, 1 facehugger, and 3 Aliens inside but a hearing a scurrying noise was the last straw. There are several more caves in the area and you have to be very careful not to fall in some areas. 

Gundy's Canyon Tour - Leaf it to Rusk 2015

Gundy's Canyon Tour - Leaf it to Rusk 2015

The weather was perfect for a nice 5 mile jaunt through Gundy's Canyon. Along the way we saw Little Falls Slip and Slide, Cascading Waterfall, Gundy's Canyon and Gundy's Felsenmeer. I enjoyed everyone's company along the way and special thanks to James for bringing up the rear for me. 

Normally it is about a 4 mile hike but when you walk around to check things out and take pictures it is surprising how it adds an extra mile. See you on the trail and have fun. 

For more information about our tours in the Blue HIlls check us out here Blue Hills Tours

Another Great Use for Multi-caches. Gundy Canyon, Little Falls Slip and Slide

Another Great Use for Multi-caches. Gundy Canyon, Little Falls Slip and Slide

Use a multi-cache to lead geocachers through an area that they might just skip over. Traditional geocaches have to be 528 feet apart and wouldn't work in an area like this. In this instance, I wanted to show geocachers another feature that was only 300 feet away.

Here is the first of several videos focusing on the unique features in Gundy Canyon.  Gundy Canyon located in the Blue Hills on the western edge of  Rusk County. 


2nd Annual Geocaching / Hiking Event - Blue Hills Felsenmeer GC5M7Y6

2nd Annual Geocaching / Hiking Event - Blue Hills Felsenmeer GC5M7Y6

As we followed down the creek, springs added to its flow. Just the start of some Marsh Marigolds sprouting up, soon to bloom. We found an old logging road starting to grow in. The  road lead us up and around, then back down to the creek. You could smell the pungent odor as Bob snacked on a wild spring onion. Lunch had come too soon.

A quick jump over the creek we continued on down the a trail muddy with water running down from the Big Hill to the West GC5Q099 .  Some trout lilies and spring beauties lining our path.